Sarah Palin knows how old the Chinese gymnasts are.

calendar   Friday - July 29, 2011

pc wusses rename ‘gun quarter’ after 250 years

Pig ignorant pc schmucks just never stop looking for things to condemn.

These would be the very same folks who are ashamed of past Brit success and apologizing for even being Brit.  Freeken jerks.

I can’t think of anything to add to this.  Not that it needs me as the sorry event speaks for itself.

Here, see if you can make sense of this liberal pc bs.

Birmingham’s historic Gun Quarter is renamed… because PC critics say it glorifies crime


It encapsulates a manufacturing heritage stretching back 250 years.


During the Napoleonic Wars, almost 1.9million muskets, rifles, carbines and pistols were manufactured for the Government in the district’s numerous weapons factories.

But Birmingham’s historic Gun Quarter is now to be renamed because of concerns that it could be linked with the firearms crime which blights other parts of the city.

Officials said residents no longer wanted to be associated with weapons of war.

Instead the district to the north and west of the city centre will be known as St George and St Chad in recognition of a local church and Birmingham’s catholic cathedral.

Yesterday, opponents of the rebranding exercise said the Gun Quarter had been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, while even the Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral said the decision sounded ‘irrational’.

Tim Huxtable, Birmingham City Council’s Tory head of regeneration, said the decision had been taken after a public consultation, although one petition received by the council was signed by just 50 people objecting to Gun Quarter. 

He said: ‘We listened to the local community, which is the whole point of consultation. The views of local people seem quite clear.’

Just had a thought.  This one line, ‘We listened to the local community, which is the whole point of consultation.’ Yeah. That one. Funny how this ‘consultation’ thingy works. Innit?  Seems like the consultations that get listened to and acted upon, are always the easiest or the least inconvenient for the ppl in power. This was an easy decision.  But despite consultations some few years ago, our local post office is still closed. Consultations are nothing but bull shit. It’s tossing a noisy dog a bone. Nothing more.

Sir Albert Bore, leader of the opposition Labour group, said: ‘What kind of nonsense is it when we replace the Gun Quarter with St George and St Chad?

‘Like it or not, and I am not into the arms trade myself, the Gun Quarter has a historical connection with this city. This is just political correctness.’

The name change was described as a ‘terrible shame’ by the owner of one of the few surviving gun makers in the district.

Simon Clode, managing director of Westley Richards and Co, said: ‘This is an important part of Birmingham’s history. The area is not well occupied by gun makers now, but it’s still the Gun Quarter.’


The Very Reverend Canon Gerry Breen, Dean of St Chad’s Cathedral, said the name change was ‘almost as irrational as deciding not to call the Black Country the Black Country’.

Reverend Larry Wright, Rector of St George’s Church, however, said he was among those who had lobbied the council to change the name.

‘We wrote on behalf of our own congregation – many of whom wanted a name change to move away from any suggestion that this area was associated with gun crime,’ he said.

‘But they could have come up with something snappier (than St George and St Chad).’

A council spokesman insisted the gunsmith area would live on as a separately defined part of the new St George and St Chad quarter.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/29/2011 at 12:09 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifePolitically Correct B.S.UK •  
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calendar   Monday - June 13, 2011

guys kissing is part of diversity? sick. barf.

It has been hours and hours and hours since my only other posting today.
That’s because I was at this machine pulling out what little hair I have left.
It isn’t the computer of course. It’s the other stuff I just HAVE to download to try and fix and make faster etc. And then restore cos there’s an error. Not all my doing either I want everyone to know.  And the experience reminds me of something TimO wrote here at BMEWS not too long ago. And it says all there is to say or can possibly be said forever more.

If they don’t fix it, they wont be able to:
Study why the fix caused problems
Hire more people to manage the fix
Hire people to fix the mistakes fixing the fix
Mount a study to plan for a better fix
Hire people to blame those who did the original fix
Train new people for the new tech that develops since then
Move everyone to a new project they can fix know, like everything else they muck up....

Posted by TimO

Now that I have that out of the way … I will get to my post and then say good night.  It’s late.

Is there any real merit in this bit of nonsense?  I ask you.
Is it just me, or is the world getting even dumber then I originally thought?
Or maybe it’s just getting more PC. Which in my book adds up to the same thing.

The new police ‘diversity’ course that uses videos of Christina Aguilera and Susan Boyle


Police officers are being sent on a bizarre training course that uses video clips of singers Christina Aguilera and Susan Boyle to explain issues surrounding equality and diversity to staff.

Those attending also have to listen to a specially made-up fairy story about witches so they can better understand how to combat prejudice and discrimination.

And in a session about minority groups and harassment, the staff see images of bullying, gay kissing and a transsexual.

The equality sessions have been devised by Tayside Police in the East of Scotland, a region which is mainly rural but includes the small cities of Dundee and Perth.

The day-long course includes a session on ‘communication, stereotyping, prejudice and assumptions’ which involves staff watching a two-minute clip of Susan Boyle making her debut on Britain’s Got Talent in 2009.

Participants are reminded that judges on the ITV show initially wrote off Boyle’s chances because of her appearance.
They are then advised not to make lasting judgments about people based on their first impressions.

The same session also requires staff to listen to a four-minute fairy story called The Witches Of Glum, which is about the rivalry between the elderly King of Glum and a disfigured witch called Groga.

Last night, Conservative MP Philip Davies said: ‘The courses sound drivel – a combination of the blindingly obvious with the utterly ridiculous.
We have a situation where forces claim they have no money for proper policing but at the same time they spend thousands
on equality and diversity projects.’

Tayside Police said the course was mainly for civilian staff and only a handful of officers had attended.


I’d throw up I think if I had to sit and watch a couple of queers kissing. GAK! The thought alone makes my gut churn. That’s disgusting.

Good evening all ...
peiper out.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/13/2011 at 03:32 PM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Saturday - May 28, 2011

people who find things to be offended by

Some things just rattle me that might not bother anyone else. So that’s what blogs are for I guess. One of the things anyway.

For example, there’s going to be a WW2 remembrance gathering and a war reenactment somewhere.
You probably aren’t interested and I can’t blame ya for that. Big deal. Americans have reenactments of Civil War battles. Don’t we? Sure we do.
But what if a reenactment of say the battle of Bull Run had a new rule. What if the sponsors suddenly said WAIT!  We can have the battle but NOBODY must represent the Southern side. No grey uniforms or Stars and Bars on display. Cos that might offend some people.
What if I told you that were happening?  Would you be interested then?

Well ... it is. It’s happening in politically correct Britain where nobody must ever be offended. If only one person finds offense, that’s enough to bring things to a halt.  Now this really pisses me off for another reason beside beings stupid or pc. And I’ll get to that in a minute.

Here’s the lighter version of the incredible story as written up by Richard Littlejohn of the Daily Mail.

For you Hans, the war games are over

Got anything planned for the bank holiday? Why not pop along to the annual World War II weekend being organised by the East Lancashire Steam Railway.
There will be an air raid shelter, vintage and military vehicles, authentic 1940s fashions, jitterbugging, wartime-inspired food stalls and battle re-enactments.
‘Experience the thrill of battle. fire power at its best. Blitzkreig. enjoy the glamorous charms of Miss Katie Spitfire. swing along to ENSA entertainers. explore an authentic recreation of a military camp.’

There’s even a Palais Glide at the Town Hall. Sounds fantastic. What’s not to like?

But my attention is drawn to the ‘Important Notice’ on the event’s website:

‘Due to a large amount of adverse publicity over the past few years with regards to a small number of re-enactors wearing German and Axis officers’ uniforms, we feel it necessary to advise that NO German or Axis uniforms should be worn on any East Lancashire Railway premises, platforms or associated land.

‘We have no wish to cause any offence or upset to any of our visitors. Previous requests on the wearing of uniforms appear not to have been followed. Any persons found to be in breach of this request will immediately be asked to leave the event.’

Raus! Raus!
I’m not sure how you re-enact WWII battles without any Germans. Or why anyone should be offended or upset, unless they think the Nazis will win this time.
But if you are going along to the East Lancs Railway at the weekend, you’d better be on the safe side.

Don’t mention the war.

Ha,Ha.  Stupid maybe but at the time I read it I also thought it was stupidly funny. I was going to just post the above with a comment but ....

The Lancashire Telegraph and the Saturday Telegraph both ran a fuller version. And that’s when I decided it wasn’t really funny at all.

If a handful of people find something disturbing, they can avoid it and let others get on with things.  Oh but no.  You see, there are some Jews who like a much disliked cousin I have, are also professional Jews and professionals at being offended.  These ass wipes who are an embarrassment beyond measure, will go out seeking things to be offended by. And not only as Jews. Oh no. They’ll find themselves offended on behalf of other people a world away they’ll never meet.
They are also as you might guess, liberals. All of them.  But as “offended Jews” these folks shine and are in a class all their own.
They never understand and you can’t tell them because they already know all things. But these particular Jews are the reason so many people just do not like Jews.  And that makes it god damn hard on all the rest who aren’t that stupid and who don’t think that a re-enactment with ppl wearing a Nazi uniform is somehow a threat to the race or to the world.  I can understand (uncomfortable as it is) why anyone attending this event and getting the word would say, “fuckin Jews.” “Wouldn’t ya know.”

So I’m pissed at the organizers for caving in to a small group that just can’t allow others to have a bit of fun with a war re-enactment, and the constant harping and the inability of some Jews to understand that not everything is aimed at offending and if it does, they need to get the fuck over it. This isn’t 1933.

Nazi uniforms banned from East Lancashire Railway war weekend

RAILWAY bosses have declared war on people dressing up in Nazi uniforms during a popular 1940s war weekend.

A ban on visitors wearing Swastikas and SS outfits has been imposed on the East Lancashire Railway after concerns they could offend Holocaust survivors.
Christina Seidel, ELR’s marketing manager, said: “We are asking people not to turn up in German officer or SS uniforms, because we do not want to offend the Jewish community on our doorstep.”

The ban was introduced after complaints that a minority had turned up the annual event in SS regalia, with one even impersonating Hitler’s henchman Herman Goerring.
Officials from the Greater Manchester Jewish Represenative Council (GJRC) have been lobbying the ELR after receiving complaints regarding last year’s celebrations.

Lucille Cohen, GJRC secretary, said: “I am very gratified that they taken into account the correspondence we have had with them.
“There are a number of people in this area who suffered at the hands of the Nazis during the way and the Holocaust, which should be taken into account.”
Other complaints included a jeep arriving draped in a red swastika flag.

Mock battles will still take place at Bury, Rawtenstall and Ramsbottom stations over the weekend between ‘Allied’ and ‘Axis’ volunteer troops.
Notices posted in the official programme state that the ban has been imposed because warnings, in previous years, have been ignored.
David Harris, editor of the Jewish Telegraph, said: “The wearing of a Nazi uniform is not only deeply offensive to Jewish people, for obvious reasons, but to anyone who fought in the last world war or was tortured in prisoner of war camps.

“There have been instances of Holocaust survivors, passing the railway, who have been confronted by people wearing Nazi uniforms and it has been deeply distressing.

“Why bother dressing in a Nazi uniform for a re-enactment?

Because you dumb stupid thin skinned shit, it’s a re-enactment of WW2. But you don’t catch on to that apparently. World war, get it? Two sides? Two uniforms?

“It is fair enough to have British servicemen, because they would not be out of place, but no Nazis ever made it to this country.”

(well actually dumb shit, a few did. they were caught. but a few did get here. you might know that if your reading of history weren’t restricted to only one topic.)

County Alyson Barnes, leader of Rossendale Council, said: “The railway clearly has some very real concerns.
“I hope this does not detract from the whole exercise or affect anyone’s enjoyment of the weekend.”
County councillor Peter Evans, who represents Rossendale West, was a wartime evacuee from Manchester who said he appreciated the sensitivities of protesters.

more and comments

It’s worth visiting the source for the comments.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/28/2011 at 01:22 PM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S.Stoopid-PeopleUK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - April 12, 2011

riots of 30 yrs ago caused millions, renamed an uprising by the left

Thirty years ago today there occurred what has been described as the worst rioting seen here in a hundred years.  I was of course aware of it then, being married to a Brit.
Over time I guess I failed to remember it and anyway, there were problems of like nature in my own country.  After moving here 7 years ago come April 28, I was reminded of it more then once.  The subject comes up often.

The rioting started in a place called Brixton, south London.  Not exactly an up market location, and home to mostly Negroes.  The violence they conceived and carried out along with their usual appetite for looting and vandalism was unprovoked.  Sure, there have been lots of times a white cop has exceeded his authority.  But when so much crime is committed in one area by one particular group, it must be difficult at best for a policeman to ignore ppl he suspects might be up to something.  Yeah, it is true that various ethnic groups, not just blacks, have been treated badly.  The only thing I can say in defense of the cops, is that their stop and search tactics were meant to combat a growing menace of drugs.  Depending on your own POV, that still might not be a good idea for overstepping your remit.  But it’s a damn fair explanation.  And yes, I’d be pretty well PO’d if I were an innocent victim of the tactics of that day.  But I really don’t think I’d see it as an excuse for looting and throwing fire bombs.

Some estimates put the injuries to police at 300. And please do not make any mistake about this. It was left wing agitators that egged the rioters on. More then 100 shops were looted, 30 buildings were set on fire, 120 vehicles were torched as well.
Authorities called it wanton rampage and criminality.

Just how’d it start?  Well, police went to the aid of a black who’d been stabbed.
They were then surrounded by a crowd and accused of not doing enough to help.
Yeah, that little incident triggered a full blown riot involving 5,000 ppl and damage in the millions. Think Watts riots or Rodney King.  Some ‘ethnic’ groups don’t need any real excuse to burn a city and create havoc and mayhem. But when they find something that looks good and they can adopt it as an issue, well hey. They go for it.
And so they did 30 yrs ago egged on by socialist and left wing apologists who claimed they would bring down the police.  And looking at things these days 30 yrs on, I guess they did just that.  In fact, a councillor of the day did say he wanted to “break the metropolitan police.”

Naturally enough there was an inquiry as there always is. It was led by a very liberal judge, and so began political correctness. 
Eventually, some time later as old readers may recall, I did a post about a police chief who bragged that he was” proud to be politically correct.”

Well now, the story doesn’t end here. Oh no. History is not only in the making, it has been re-written by a cash strapped city council, who has renamed the riots as, an uprising.  Needless to say the council is quite left. And here’s the whole sad, stupid story.

Cash-strapped council rebrands Brixton riots as an ‘uprising’ (and funds the 30th anniversary ‘celebrations’)


For those who were caught up in the violence and destruction, the Brixton riots are best forgotten.
Yet Labour councillors are spending thousands of pounds remembering tomorrow’s 30th anniversary of the carnage in South London which put 279 police officers in hospital.
The incident has been renamed the ‘Brixton Uprising’ and will feature ‘first-hand witness accounts’ along with ‘special guests’ to provide the entertainment
Lambeth Council is staging the celebration in its Windrush Square and Tate Library. It will be recorded for the council’s Black Cultural Archive.

The Jamaican ‘dub poet’ Linton Kwesi Johnson, whose work contains graphic descriptions of alleged police brutality during the 1980s, including one entitled ‘Ingland is a Bich’, is due to perform.

(just WTF is a ‘dub poet?’ No, don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know. They call his tripe, his work? Oh how literate and articulate this negroe is. And if England is so bad, what’s he doing here? Collecting benefits no doubt.)

The Labour-run authority is funding the event despite constant complaints by its leader, Steve Reed, that government-imposed cash cuts would lead to a rise in crime and another ‘Baby P tragedy’.

Lambeth has recently declared mass redundancies among street cleaners, park rangers and lollipop ladies, and closed all but one of its public lavatories.
A spokesman said tomorrow’s event was ‘community-led’ and part of its work engaging with the public.

But Conservative MP Patrick Mercer, chairman of the Commons sub-committee on counter-terrorism, said: ‘I would question the act of celebrating an insurgency.
‘It was difficult and dangerous at the time and I don’t want to remember it.
‘The law is the law and, just because it was chaotic 30 years ago, there is no need for celebrations.’

Peter Smyth, chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, said: ‘This is crazy and a complete waste of public money.
‘Calling it an uprising justifies and celebrates that people were injured and property was damaged.
‘Anybody who celebrates violence is despicable. The public purse is being pulled tight and it is not right to celebrate violence, especially in the current climate when there has been a recent return to violent protest.’
More than 5,000 rioters rampaged through Brixton in 1981 after police increased stop-and-searches in the area.
A total of 28 shops were burned, 118 were looted and 120 cars were set on fire as police fought running battles with the rioters in the streets. Socialist and left-wing groups first referred to it as an ‘uprising’ to give it an air of legitimacy, arguing that it was a poor social underclass who revolted against their capitalist masters.
But the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said: ‘Nothing, but nothing, justifies what happened.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/12/2011 at 01:06 PM   
Filed Under: • CommiesPolitically Correct B.S.UK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 29, 2011

wanted: police interns, whites need not apply

In spite of a promise BEFORE the election last May to drop some of this sort of crap introduced by the left wing Labour govt., it’s clear that some laws will remain.
That might not all be the fault of the consv. side of the present govt., but it doesn’t look like they fought it much.

Middle-class youngsters barred from applying for internships at Whitehall and in the police… because they are white


White middle-class students have been banned from applying for internships with Britain’s biggest police force and in Whitehall.

The temporary jobs, which offer thousands of pounds for work in the summer, are billed as the internships ‘that could change your life’.

They provide students with invaluable work experience at a time of soaring graduate unemployment.

But critics yesterday told of their anger at the decision by the Civil Service and the Metropolitan Police to exclude all but certain ethnic minorities from applying.

They say the schemes cause resentment among staff and are discriminating against white people ‘via the back door’.

The Metropolitan Police, which employs more than 50,000 people, publicly offers only one work experience programme. The 12-week Diversity Internship will pay six interns more than £3,000 to work in a range of departments. While there is no guarantee of a post at the end, it gives students a head start in the battle for police jobs.

But the application form says only students from specific ethnic groups – including black African, black Asian or Chinese – can apply. Applicants are also quizzed about religious beliefs and sexuality.

The only white candidates eligible to apply for the Fast Stream Summer Diversity Internship are those whose families are from ‘under-represented socio-economic backgrounds’.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/29/2011 at 01:49 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - March 15, 2011

Restorative justice conference.  say what?  read about it. more pc bs

I just discovered that I did not post this days ago.  I thought I had.

Don’t know what you’ll make of it. I guess the kids could be thought of as rude. But hey ... firstly they didn’t say anything directly to the lady copper.
What a bunch of snitches and do gooders. 

I guess saying stuff that’s politically incorrect is now a potential crime. Or wait on there. It is a crime. In this case, it has to be victimless since the object of the jibe didn’t hear it, and knew nothing about it till someone grassed the kids.

I think it’s funny to be honest.  See what you think.

Five boys, 13, hauled to police ‘justice’ meeting for calling woman officer ‘PC Nipples’ behind her back

Five schoolboys were subjected to a 90-minute dressing down by four police officers after they called a female constable ‘PC Nipples’.

The group of 13-year-olds were forced to attend the ‘restorative justice conference’ after calling the officer names behind her back.

The conferences are usually held to allow the victims of serious crimes to come face-to-face with the perpetrators.

Restorative justice conference?  What a load of pure and stupid sounding BS! And four cops spend 90 minutes over schoolboy jokes?
What a screwed up place this is.  I can’t see the harm these kids did.  What victim? Where?
Piss ant big brother nanny state.

But in this case the group of boys were hauled before the PC involved, a sergeant and two other officers to make them aware of the consequences their actions had.

The deputy head of Purbeck School, Wareham, Dorset also attended, as did the boys’ parents, with the meeting concluding after they apologised to the female officer.

The incident occurred last month when the officer visited the school to talk to the boys about a playground incident in her role as a school liaison officer.

It is understood that she was then called the names ‘PC Nipples’ and ‘PC Ball Sack’ while she was out of the room and was told of the remarks later.

The boys were sent home and their parents were informed about the incident that night and asked to attend the conference which took place at the school last week.

Reg Foy, father of one of the pupils, accused the police of wasting time and ‘using a sledgehammer to crack a nut’ following the conference

However, the father of one of boys has now accused the police of wasting their time and resources and for using a ‘sledgehammer to crack a nut.’

Reg Foy, whose son was involved, said: ‘All the parents of the boys were telephoned and called to this justice conference.

‘The meeting consisted of three uniformed officers, one being a sergeant to “chair” it, one plain clothes community safety manager, one teacher, four sets of parents and the five boys concerned.

‘The meeting lasted for one-hour-and-forty minutes and concluded with the boys apologising to the female constable for name calling.

‘At the end of the day it was a bit of name calling, the boys were wrong and they apologised.

‘I presume this woman officer will be called other names during her policing career, is she going to hold a restorative justice conference with all of those who do it?’

Yvonne Surman, Dorset police safe schools and communities team manager, said: ‘The female officer is based at the school one day a week.

‘In the course of her duties she was the subject of verbal abuse of a sexual nature from a group of students.

‘In line with the values of the team, the officer expressed to teachers that she would prefer the incident to be dealt with through a restorative justice conference in which she would come face to face with the students with the aim of helping them to realise the effect of their behaviour.

‘This restorative approach was an alternative to the standard punitive measures which would have been taken by the school under usual circumstances and the team received positive feedback from both the parents and the officer involved in the conference.’


‘In the course of her duties she was the subject of verbal abuse of a sexual nature from a group of students.’

Uh huh. “A group of students” But was it this particular group?  We don’t know. The article doesn’t say. Doesn’t even appear to hint it was this particular group.  And as usual with authority .... the kids had to say sorry. Even if they weren’t. Which makes an apology worthless.

Hell, had one of the kids been mine (had we any children to begin with) I’d never allow him to apologize for this under these circumstances.
On the other hand and on reflection, I do suppose that having heard (second hand) that she was referred to as PC Nipples by some boys, that her life was diminished and she suffered great emotional damage and will most like ask for a year off to recover.  On full pay of course.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/15/2011 at 02:25 PM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Saturday - February 26, 2011

Government quota threat to firms that fail to appoint 25% female boards.

How appropriate in this case, the default color here is ‘red.’ Jeesh.

Is anyone here against women achieving success in business? Against being treated fairly? I guess I’m really asking if this kind of quota is really justified.
It seems arbitrary. Why not 30% or 25.7% Where does the commissar get his figures from?  And I think the lady with the reply to this has it right.  There will be ill feelings with regard to merit or gender.  I recall losing out on a job right after a serious push in affirmative action. It was more a trainees kind of thing although I had some slight training already.  It was at KFI in LA, many,many years ago. Thing was, the guy they hired never showed up on time, had no real interest and ... the station couldn’t sack him at the time. Once or 2wice he didn’t even show up for work at all.  I didn’t really mind too much at the time because I wasn’t planning a career as a studio engineer anyway. Not that I’d have turned it down. 

Is it okay to to use quotas to make up for or try and balance past acts that denied jobs to ppl? 

This guy thinks so and holds the club to batter business.

Government quota threat to firms that fail to appoint 25% female boards


British companies are facing the threat of compulsory female quotas if they fail to ensure a quarter of their board members are women by 2015.
The threat will be made by Lord Davies – the former trade minister appointed by Business Secretary Vince Cable to examine why many top firms have no female directors.
His conclusions will be unveiled today and are likely to infuriate many business leaders at a time when firms are struggling to survive.
Lord Davies is expected to tell companies that they are in the ‘last chance saloon’ when he demands that 20 per cent of board members of the top 350 FTSE companies should be women by 2013.
The target will move up to 25 per cent by 2015. His research found huge resistance to the idea of compulsory quotas, with just 11 per cent of firms backing them.
One idea is that the targets will initially be voluntary but companies will be expected to have to explain to ministers why they haven’t hit them.
City ‘superwoman’ Nicola Horlick yesterday heaped pressure on the Government by coming out in favour of quotas.
Miss Horlick, who has started her own fund management firm and has brought up six children, said there was ‘no choice’ but to push companies to that position.
She said: ‘Generally, I do not favour positive discrimination as I believe very strongly that people should be chosen on merit for any job.
‘However, our public companies show no desire to be more inclusive of women and so I see no choice other than to push them in that direction.

‘Having had four daughters, it really saddens me that there are still underlying prejudices against women.
‘I am not a feminist and, as I say, I believe in meritocracy, but sometimes you have to create rules initially in order to give certain sections of society a chance.’
Lord Davies, a former boss at Standard Chartered, said recently: ‘If companies don’t take a radical change in attitude, and hire more women at the top, then we will have to introduce quotas.’
He is expected to announce that shareholders and headhunters will be expected to abide by a new code of conduct to look for more women on their boards.
Chairmen will also be urged to be more ‘adventurous’ when appointing non-executive directors.

more at the source here



Take women on their merits, or not at all

By Cristina Odone

As I walked into the headquarters, I couldn’t resist a little smile: I’d made it. I was a member of the board. The Catholic Herald was hardly a global media empire, and I was not being paid six-figure sums to attend, and contribute to, the quarterly meetings. But I felt my status as a media professional had been confirmed: eight men and one woman felt I had something to offer their shareholders.

Imagine, though, if I were walking into those high-ceilinged rooms in the knowledge that I was filling a quota. Imagine if I knew I had been selected not because I had been a successful editor, knew a thing or two about advertising promotions, or even because I boasted a great contacts book; but because the company had to have a certain proportion of women on its board. I’d feel a token woman, not a successful one.

This is precisely what will happen to women if Lord Davies, the Government’s business adviser, has his way. The former trade minister wants to make it compulsory for boards to consist of 25 per cent women by 2015. Lord Davies’s proposal is bad for business and worse for women.

Instead of feeling that they have a contribution to make, women on the board will feel their accomplishment has merely been to tick a box. Instead of bursting with ideas, they will be terrified of being caught out: given that they have been chosen for their gender, not their ability, they’ll feel insecure about their professional qualifications. How can they prize their achievements when they are not sure that they were appointed on merit?



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/26/2011 at 05:20 AM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct and the workplace •  
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calendar   Thursday - February 17, 2011

Another Non-Merde Moment From France

Sarkozy: Multiculti? FAIL!

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has joined the chorus. The other day, he said, “My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure.” The “it” was multiculturalism, and he was on French national television. In pronouncing multiculturalism defunct, the French president joins German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Spain’s former Premier Jose Maria Aznar and, most recently, British Prime Minister David Cameron in heaving a failed policy into history’s dustbin.

Hey, for once I agree: let’s be more like EUrope!

“If you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France,” Mr. Sarkozy explained.

So how did the Europeans end up with multiculturalism, a multiculturalism that seems to favor Islam over other cultures? The Germans have outlawed Nazi culture. The Italians are not particularly hospitable to fascism, and as I have already pointed out, the French are appalled at cannibalism and do not even have a good word for McDonald’s or KFC. I think it started with the way they teach their history. Militarism, colonialism and racism are all prominent ingredients of European history, particularly British history. For that matter, American history also stresses these ingredients. I have been reading American college history texts, and they present an alarmingly ugly view of the Western past.

By presenting the West as repugnant and other civilizations as our prey, particularly during colonial days but also in modern times, we encourage such social pathologies as jihadism. Mr. Sarkozy says he is not going to tolerate the kind of fundamentalism in France that leads ultimately to jihadism. How is he going to achieve this without calling for a fundamental reform in how French history is taught?

There’s more to read if you want.

The very first comment is all, Hey, where’s Obama in this? How come he hasn’t figured it out yet?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/17/2011 at 11:47 AM   
Filed Under: • HistoryPatriotismPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Wednesday - February 02, 2011

Not Too Sharp Today

Two interesting stories floating around on the net these past few days, both involving knives. I’ve been trying to find some common thread that they have so I can join them together, but I can’t come up with much more than the Ma Kelly Theory of Universal Commonality:

Ma Kelly: Open up! It’s Ma Kelly!
Mary-Margaret Catharine Dineen: [opens her door] What do you want? Get out of here.
Ma Kelly: I got to talk to you.
Mary-Margaret Catharine Dineen: We don’t have nothing to say to each other.
Ma Kelly: We got plenty to say to each other. We got a lot in common.
Mary-Margaret Catharine Dineen: Yeah, what?
Ma Kelly: We both scrub floors. We’re both swell lookers. And neither one of us is Chinese.
Mary-Margaret Catharine Dineen: Oh, well in that case, come on in ...

So here goes.

In Story 1, Political Correctness turns itself inside out to respect any religion other than Judaism or Christianity, and thus a Detroit area school rules that a Sikh kid can carry a knife in school, because the knife is question is a Kirpan, which is a dagger with symbolic significance to the Sikh faith.

A Detroit-area district says it’s allowing Sikh students to wear a small, religious dagger to school, reports.

The decision by the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools reverses a ban put in place in December after a fourth-grader at a Canton Township elementary school was found with a dull, 3- to 5-inch kirpan.

The kirpan represents a commitment to fight evil in the Sikh tradition. The dagger is a religious symbol that baptized Sikh males are expected to carry.

The principal initially let the boy keep the kirpan, but the school board instituted a ban because of parental concerns and conflicts with the district’s rules against bringing weapons to school.


This situation has come up many many times in schools all over the world. Sometimes a middle ground can be reached, wherein the kirpan is welded to it’s metal sheath so that the knife can’t be drawn; sometimes a small jewelry charm that only looks like a sheathed blade can be worn. Sometimes the child has to leave the school because the parents and the Sikh community are unbending and stand by their rights:

July 2005 - Plano, Texas, USA - A 16 year old Sikh school girl has rejected her school’s decision to allow her to wear her Kirpan only if it is welded shut to the sheath. Fortunately for her, she will not have to face the consequences of the school’s ruling because she has been selected to complete her schooling at the University of North Texas, under a prestigious academic programme run by the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Sciences (TAMS).

Priyanka Kaur says, ‘ This matter is not closed. I ask every Sikh child who is faced with my situation to defend their right to practise their religion, which includes the right to wear the Kirpan and other articles of faith,’ said Priyanka Kaur.
Kultaran Singh, who not only stood by his daughter’s resolve but was also actively involved in negotiating with the school, said: ‘We need to practice Sikhi to the Max, as per the teachings of the Gurus and the spirit and word of the Reht Maryada. We need to stand behind our children and anyone who wishes to defend their religious rights and fight all the way at any level’.

In this day and age of Zero Tolerance idiocy, where children are kicked out of school for pointing their fingers or making stick figure drawings of guns or soldiers, it is a) quite refreshing to see one group argue successfully for their right to wear actual weapons for religious reasons, and b) the largest dollop of uni-directional PC bullshit I’ve seen in ages, since Jewish or Christian kids can get suspended for wearing any kind of their own religious accoutrements, from rosary beads to crosses and stars of David, and God help them if they even shoot spitballs in class.

It is a mistake to think of Sikhs as Hindus or as Muslims. They are neither. The Sikh religion started in the 1600s in the Punjab region of India, which is in the northwest part of the country in the foothills of the Himalayas and along the border with what is now Pakistan.  Up in those mountains, just a hundred or so miles to the east lies Nepal, the fabled land from whence come the Gurkha warriors, and that gives me a segue to Story #2, today’s lesson which proves yet again that these are the last people you ever ever want to mess with. Oh, and that going about armed in a “well regulated” fashion is always a good thing.


Now that’s a knife!

POKHARA, Jan 13: Gorkha soldiers have long been known the world over for their valor and these khukuri-wielding warriors winning the British many a battle have become folklore.

A retired Indian Gorkha soldier recently revisited those glory days when he thwarted 40 robbers, killing three of them and injuring eight others, with his khukuri during a train journey. He is in line to receive three gallantry awards from the Indian government.
Shrestha, who was in the Maurya Express to Gorakhpur from Ranchi on September 2 while returning home following voluntary retirement from the Indian army--saved the girl who was going to be raped by the robbers in front of her hapless parents, and in doing so won plaudits from everybody.
The band of about 40 robbers, some of whom were travelling as passengers, stopped the train in the Chittaranjan jungles in West Bengal around midnight.

“They started snatching jewelry, cell phones, cash, laptops and other belongings from the passengers,” Shrestha recalled. The soldier had somehow remained a silent spectator amidst the melee, but not for long. He had had enough when the robbers stripped an 18-year-old girl sitting next to him and tried to rape her right in front of her parents. He then took out his khukuri and took on the robbers.

“The girl cried for help, saying ´You are a soldier, please save a sister´,” Shrestha recalled. “I prevented her from being raped, thinking of her as my own sister,” he added. He took one of the robbers under control and then started to attack the others. He said the rest of the robbers fled after he killed three of them with his khukuri and injured eight others.

He did such a nice job that his regiment un-retired him, gave him a promotion, and a bag of cash containing 50,000 rupees. The Indian government plans to give him a pile of cash too, as do the parents of the girl he saved.

He still finds it hard to believe that he took on 40 armed robbers alone. “They may have feared that more of my army friends were traveling with me and fled after fighting me for around 20 minutes,” he explained.

Horry Clap. He fought 40 armed robbers for TWENTY MINUTES? That’s not a fight, that’s an actual battle. Damn right his regiment took him back.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/02/2011 at 01:23 PM   
Filed Under: • News-BriefsPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Saturday - January 15, 2011

okokok … my final foul mouthed rant. damned left wing lying bastards, I hate em.

Day started okay, got our three papers and started reading.  What luck I thought after a few hours. Not one word about Sarah Palin’s insensitive use of the new politically correct term that I take it is now going to replace the dreaded ‘N’ word.  Because a few efin disingenuous jerks decided it was a slur. So okay. All going fine.  So I’m on my last paper and it’s one that pretty much passes for a conservative one and then SHAZAM! BAM! POW!  There it is. Damn if some libtard bitch name Anne Applebaum has written what nobody else I read this week has.  Palin spoke this jerk says (I’m avoiding really bad language here) out of “self pity.”
Yeah. She had an entire half page of a paper far bigger then those in the USA. We have broadsheets here. Sarah, this brain surgeon says, made herself look “foolish and petty.” So I just about end the day where I started it the day before yesterday.  Really pissed off, not so much by the insults. We expect that.
But the rotten, miserable witch wasn’t at all fair and I think intentionally twisted things to suit her own liberal left agenda. 
Obama’s speech sent her into orgasmic nirvana, or something like that. I’m not sure and this being the weekend I can’t find out and have no email as I did for a couple others (who I damn well wrote to, politely, no bad language) and have not heard a word. Which is okay. I think she’s an American but I am not sure about it.

So I’m pissed off and ranting again cos no, hard as I want to, I can’t let it go. This Applebaum shit is exactly the sort of Jew that other Jews HATE!  The kind other Jews want to distance themselves from least all be tared with a brush meant for her. Everything she doesn’t approve of is ipso facto anti-Semitic. 
Palin, this lying bitch continues, has already forgotten the six victims.  Well Ms. Applebaum has also forgotten in her one sided piece, that there were other victims as well. No matter. 

One last thing and then no more. In fact, I will not post the column. If you want to read it go to The and look for her. How’s that?

The last thing is, she mentions Palin speaking and behind her is the American flag.

WELL I’LL BE DAMNED! WHAT FUCKIN NERVE!  The flag of her country?  The Stars and Stripes?  Instead of what Anne? You socialist shit.

The Hammer and Sickle?



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/15/2011 at 01:14 PM   
Filed Under: • CommiesOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S.Sarah Palin •  
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calendar   Monday - January 03, 2011

how many families does it take to ban santa?  only one if the family is … wanna guess?

I just this minute came across this story and it demands posting for your attention.
Just in case you haven’t seen this yet, and I know it’s well past Santa stories.  Or is it?

The Head Start Programme in Minnesota stopped Father Christmas from delivering presents to children, so that one Somali family would not be offended

America - beware - you are going down the same road as we in the UK have gone down - TURN BACK before it is too late, learn from our mistakes !!!!

- Owen A. Lott, Northern Compound, EU Stalag, Englandistan., 03/1/2011

So a handful if that many Somali muslim scum can come to the USA and bitch about a tradition Americans have had for years, and the school ....
hey wait a minute.

The article says one family. One?

Right. The state is Minn and we know the voters there are ,,,, are what exactly?  What do you say about an electorate that can make an Al Franken a senator?

Maybe the district our Santa is in, is liberal. Doesn’t matter.  This ONE turd world family of N ..  Nitwits.  No, not that cos they show they know how to play the system against us. So they can think, even though they aren’t really human.  And I bet ya they vote. And soon these insects will be joined by many other breeding insects who in turn will Vote.

Was a happier time when scum like this wouldn’t even dream of this much less move to our country. Or if they did and pulled this, they’d have been lynched.
Now there’s a good thought.

Father Christmas banned at children’s centre after Muslim family complained

By Daily Mail Reporter

Father Christmas has been banned from visiting a children’s nursery after a Muslim family complained.

For the last four years, Dennis Jackson has donned a beard and red-and-white costume to hand out presents at the St Peter’s Head Start Programme in Minnesota.

But this year he was told he wasn’t welcome after objections from a Somali family.

‘It kind of burnt me up,’ Mr Jackson said, after being banned by officials at the Head Start Programme.

They had told him ‘it was against some people’s wishes’ for him to make the half-hour appearances for two classes, for about three dozen children all aged three and four.

According to the regional coordinator for the Minnesota Valley Action Council, Chris Marben, at least one Muslim family complained of his visit.

When asked about banishing Father Christmas, Mrs Marben said: ‘We have Somali families in the programme. We’re respecting the wishes of families in the program.’

She added:  ‘Part of our challenge in Head Start is providing an environment where young children from many different cultures can all feel comfortable.’

Mrs Marden didn’t say how many objections were made, but said that program parents are surveyed annually to gauge their feelings toward holiday observances in classes.

She indicated that more than one objection would be sufficient to waive an observance.

Mr Jackson said he has played Father Christmas with children from other cultures before and they were fully comfortable with him - it’s just, in his opinion, some parents who are being unreasonable.

‘They’re not respecting the majority,’ he said. ‘My feeling is [objecting parents] can take their kids out of class for half an hour and let the other kids enjoy it. They should sacrifice, not rule.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/03/2011 at 01:18 PM   
Filed Under: • muslimsOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Saturday - December 18, 2010


Version 5 of the DREAM act is up for a vote in the legislature today. It’s not too late to make a phone call and send an email to voice your opinion.

Michelle Malkin is all over this, so go to her blog and read.




Senator Reid has filed cloture of the House-passed version of the DREAM Act, setting up a vote this Saturday as the lame-duck session continues. Stunningly, it is fifth version introduced in the Senate in just over 2 months. Not one of the versions has received committee process. In fact, the House bill was introduced just one day prior to passage. Further, Senator Reid filled the tree, and won’t allow any amendments to the bill.

Though the DREAM Act would grant mass amnesty, the lack of hearings and committee process means the public and the Senate have not had time to analyze the proposal. The Congressional Budget Office says that the DREAM Act is expected to add more than $5 billion to the federal deficit—a figure that will grow given that the CBO fails to take into account a multitude of factors, such as the resulting litigation, fraud, and chain migration.

In addition to immediately placing an estimated 1–2 million illegal aliens on a path to citizenship (a number expected to grow since the bill has neither a cap nor a sunset), the DREAM Act will give them access to federal student loans and federal work-study programs. The bill allows illegal aliens to get legal status indefinitely by simply claiming they have a high school diploma or GED, and even opens eligibility to those with multiple criminal convictions.

This is bad news. Really bad news.

If you don’t know who or where to call, you can get the numbers HERE. This bill is in the SENATE, so your state’s TWO Senators are the folks you want to contact. If that link is overwhelmed, you can GOOGLE up your Senator’s contact info: “[your state] senators contact information” works great. They all have homepages with phone numbers and email addresses.

This is a dirty bill, a venomous last minute lame duck bit of nasty from Harry Reid. Get it defeated ASAP.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/18/2010 at 10:49 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentHomeland-SecurityIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Wednesday - December 15, 2010

Less Than Half The Story

Oh noes, the poor muzzies! The terrible gun/bible clinging rurals don’t trust them, and object to them starting a private cemetery in their backyard!

The cemetery lies beneath a grove of maples on a hill overlooking the farm. On a crisp November day in 2009, it received its first guest _ a 28-year old stonemason killed in a car accident two days earlier.

Somberly, his Sufi Muslim brethren carried his coffin up the hill, their colorful turbans and baggy tunics a striking contrast to the rolling hills all around. Beneath a vibrant green headstone _ the color of the Osmanli Naksibendi Hakkani order, which runs a 50-acre farm and mosque here _ the shrouded body of Amir Celoski was lowered into the ground. Mourners bowed their heads and prayed: May he rest in peace.

But that was not to be.

Instead of peace, Celoski’s burial ignited a war _ one that would erupt nine months later, hurling Sidney into the national spotlight, bitterly dividing some residents while transforming others who say their lives and their town will never be the same.

It all began quietly enough at a sparsely attended meeting of the Board of Supervisors last summer, after a second burial in the cemetery. At the height of a national debate about a mosque near ground zero, town leaders voted unanimously to investigate the Sufi graves on Wheat Hill Road.

The Sufis had followed proper procedures and received burial permits. But that didn’t deter town Supervisor Robert McCarthy from calling the graves illegal and suggesting the bodies might have to be disinterred.

“You can’t just bury Grandma in the backyard under the picnic table,” he said.

This is not the kind of article I expected to read in Townhall. It goes on and on and on about how the little bunch of Sufis have their farm and their beautiful mosque made from a barn and try to live in peace, but the locals don’t trust them or like them. It’s a very one sided piece. That’s a shame. I would rewrite it so that it examines the knee-jerk PC onslaught that immediately erupts whenever anyone speaks or even holds an opinion contrary to pisslam. That is at best an unspoken undercurrent in this essay. No, this McCarthy is righteously damned, thank you; hey, even the local Jews are on the side of the muslims. Right.

On the other hand, if I absolutely had to have a muslim enclave move in next door, I’d prefer it to be a group of Sufis. We’ve all heard of Sunni, we’ve all heard of Shiite. Few of us have heard of Sufi, which is a mystical, almost gnostic branch of the belief system. We know of them by their alternate name, whirling dervishes. But we don’t know beans about them.

Sidney NY is near the southern end of the state’s Big Empty, the heavily forested and thinly populated region that takes up more than a third of the state. Sidney is just 45 minutes north of Hancock, another little NY town down along the Delaware River that has it’s own muslim problem. They’ve got “Islamberg” to deal with, a retreat where many believe that Al Fuqra is training terrorists. Or jihadis. Something. But a something that requires constant weapons training and educes a rather belligerent attitude in it’s members when they have to go into the little village. Are the folks in Sidney concerned that a similar thing is going to grow in their neighborhood? The article, naturally, doesn’t say. It doesn’t even mention Hancock. Nope, it’s all kumbayah, why-can’t-we-all-just-get-along, white-hicks-are-all-racist-haters. All this because of two burials? I think there is a HUGE part of the story missing.

Another thing not mentioned is the local water. Say what? I’m kidding a bit on that, but that general area of central NY has been the birth land of any number of religious experiments over the years, and the whole central western part of the state shares the same 2 drainage basins. This is where the Mormons originated. And the Adventists. And the Millerites. The area that gave spurs to the early Methodists and Baptists. This is where the Second Great Awakening (religious revival) came from if you know your history. This is also where early experiments in communal free love hippie living took place, 170 years ago. Woman’s Suffrage and abolitionists too. And if you draw the map just a bit bigger, it’s also pretty much the birthplace of Socialism in America, with the company towns over in Binghamton and Endicott, and the whole “I owe my soul to the company store” thing in the coal mines just to the south west in Pennsylvania. Maybe there is something in the water. Maybe there are just too damn many trees. People get new ideas up there, some good, some not so good.

Not at all the kind of article I expected to see in a Conservative newsblog like Townhall. What gives?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/15/2010 at 12:33 PM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S.RoPMA •  
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calendar   Thursday - December 09, 2010

one hell of a sad/bad day as German Schools Embrace Islam.

This is some of the worst possible news I could have read today.  The other being the vote in the US on immigration. That wasn’t too encouraging either.

Gee, with so much to be thankful for, and honest, I really am, why am I feeling like the world is coming to an end?
What am I saying?  The world I grew up in sure wasn’t perfect. Far from it.  But it wasn’t politically correct and I hate that term btw. And I hate the people who somehow have gained the power to enforce it. Anyway, the world I grew up in is certainly over. I’m happy about losing the bad parts, but did we also have to toss away the good?

Anyway ... here tonight’s horror story and I’m not trying to be funny.  The fellow who wrote this sure does have it all right.  I hope you will read every line of this editorial.

German Schools Embrace Islam

By Herbert London

There is little doubt west European governments are engaged in a form of social suicide. Rather than increased efforts to integrate Muslims into German society, to cite one example, German students will be taught about Islam. In a sense German educators will be engaged in proselytizing for Islam.

The German state of Lower Saxony will start including Islam in its schools’ core curriculum as part of an initiative to counter growing anti-Islam sentiment in Europe. Dr. Bernd Althusmann, Minister of Education in Lower Saxony, announced that schools in the state will start including Islamic education in their main curriculum. “I think we will be able to start implementation by the academic year after the next,” Althusmann said during a visit to an elementary school in the city of Hanover which offers an Islamic education class.

Justifying this approach, Juergen Zoeliner, Berlin Minister for Education, Science and Research, notes, “For years, society and schools have been faced with a variety of new duties and challenges. One of these big challenges is to have people from different traditions, cultural and religion affiliations living together peacefully and respectfully.”

Of course, whether the program in question leads ultimately to a peaceful result is questionable. One might well ask why did the armies of Europe turn back the Turks at the gates of Vienna 500 years ago when programs, like those instituted in Germany, are handing Islam the keys to the future.

German shame over Nazi atrocities has made Hitler’s heritage the end of German history and identity. But should this shame be replaced by preemptive capitulation to a religion with a relentless imperial impulse?

To be sure the Salafists, with Saudi funding, will follow up on their efforts in the schools. But will the full story of Islam be told including the stoning of adulterers, the execution of homosexuals, polygamy, apostasy as a capital offense and the belief that Jews are the offspring of apes and pigs?

It is instructive that “diversity education” is predicated on the belief that we in the West have on obligation to understand Islam. However, the reverse doesn’t follow. One might presume that Muslims in the West should come to know and appreciate Western Civilization. Moreover, students who are not versed in the history and customs of the polity they find themselves in will be handicapped. Yet curiously integration, that was once the overarching strategy for dealing with immigrants, has been replaced by cultural pluralism, “from the one, many” instead of “from the many, one.”

In Germany and throughout western Europe there is an effort to bend over backwards to accommodate the Islamic population.

In the process, this effort produces results that counter good intentions. First, the Islamic population believes, with considerable confirmation, that Europeans do not possess the will to assert the importance of their own culture and traditions. Second, the insertion of Islam into German schools suggests tacitly that Islam is on the rise and cannot be denied even in non-Islamic nations.

Preemptive capitulation is nothing more than an attenuated form of defeat. It is noteworthy that Islamic leaders recognize it in this way. The aggressive stance taken by Islamic leaders in Europe is based to an extraordinary degree on the flexibility and weakness of those who might defend the West.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/09/2010 at 12:09 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEmuslimsOutrageousPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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